Friday, February 01, 2008

Berkeley council tells Marines to leave

According to the Contra Costa Times the Berkeley City Council voted 6-3 last Tuesday night that the U.S. Marines which have a recruiting center on Shattuck Avenue are no longer welcome in their city and that is is time for them to leave.

The council said that the recruiting station
"is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders."

Personally I think that the Marines should heed the Council's request and leave the city. But along with them should go every single penny of Federal Government money that is sent to the city of Berkeley. And I mean every penny, including all federal scholarships or financial aid that is given to any student at UC Berkeley. Any federal appropriation that would be spent in, or to the benefit of the City of Berkeley should be immediately canceled.

Then let the city know that in order to get their government largess back they have to go completely back through the federal appropriations process again from square one, and they have to do it for every single penny.

It is time that idiots like those council twits learn that blind hatred and stupidity has consequences. If you are an elected official who is that stupid and so intent on sharing their stupidity as the Berkeley City Council is, then they should have to face the consequences for their folly.

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